Ambient Background
Ambient Illumination


1. set pos: COPY
3. Throw Type:

left jumpthrow

Throw Type
2. Model State:


Model State
4. Move Keys:
movment modifiers keys
direction keys
space key
mouse buttons
6. Side: TT
7. Air Time: 6.37 seconds
Ambient Illumination

Smoke Deep Stairs from T Spawn

Smoke for A rush, combined with this smoke. Alternatively you can throw that smoke instead of current one.

setPos2: setpos_exact 1391.557739 17.320780 -167.968750;setang_exact 0.000000 -150.949066 0.000000 setpos 1391.557739 17.320780 -103.968750;setang -27.155792 -150.949066 0.000000