Ambient Background
Ambient Illumination


1. set pos: COPY
3. Throw Type:

left jumpthrow

Throw Type
2. Model State:

stand & walk

Model State
4. Move Keys:
movment modifiers keys
direction keys
space key
mouse buttons
6. Side: CT
7. Air Time: 6.47 seconds
Ambient Illumination

Top Mid Smoke from CT Spawn

Pair with molotov thrown from connector make it hard for TTs to take mid control.

Lineup vertically with building joint, horizontally in middle of wires. Run forward, don't move mouse and start walking, so you are comfortable beeing ready to jumpthrow when your crosshair meet white building taint.
Throw setPos: setpos_exact -1809.237793 -1870.313843 -263.968750;setang_exact 0.000000 36.353760 0.000000setpos -1809.237793 -1870.313843 -201.243835;setang -29.153259 36.353760 0.000000